21 Day Purge—The Road to Self Discovery and Reinvention Day 7: Unplug and Turn Your Filter On

Recently, I’ve noticed a pattern in my routine where the first thing I do upon waking and the last thing before bedtime is to read the news. Unfortunately, many of these stories tend to be quite disheartening, often portraying the world in a state of chaos. Many feature accounts of brutality and inhumanity, with sensationalism … More 21 Day Purge—The Road to Self Discovery and Reinvention Day 7: Unplug and Turn Your Filter On

21 Days of Blindness Challenge: We Walk by Faith and not By Sight–Day 3: Guard Your Heart

Today’s message emphasizes the importance of guarding your heart. Proverbs 4:23 advises, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (NIV). As we enter God’s presence in the upcoming days, I challenge you to protect your heart. To guard, as defined by dictionary.com, means to keep safe from harm or … More 21 Days of Blindness Challenge: We Walk by Faith and not By Sight–Day 3: Guard Your Heart